
Video Testimonials

Paluca Family

How could Baby Jana survive after spending under 6 months in her mother’s womb and weighing just 570g?

Premin Arnold

Claudine Ella

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Written Testimonials

Neethu Ash

My three year old son was feeling unwell and was bedridden with an infection, high temperature and no appetite. Since he was given homeopathic treatment, the effect of the medicine was not as quick as that of allopathic medicine. When I was listening to Pastor Anison’s message on TASSO, I felt a strong urge and […]

Molly Eades

Two days before the New Year’s Eve service, Sunday, 29 December 2019, our dear Aunty Molly had a stroke right before the service. Though her speech was garbled, and she knew it was wisest to go to the hospital, her desire to be in the house of the Lord superseded the natural. Though her spirit […]