
Neethu Ash

My three year old son was feeling unwell and was bedridden with an infection, high temperature and no appetite. Since he was given homeopathic treatment, the effect of the medicine was not as quick as that of allopathic medicine. When I was listening to Pastor Anison’s message on TASSO, I felt a strong urge and an authority to come against unclean spirits and command them to leave. At that very moment I saw my little boy getting better. I was clapping and getting excited since the Word being spoken was exactly for my situation in addition to my son being sick. The atmosphere started changing, my son sat up and started clapping too. When the church started singing “This is how we overcome” at the end of the message, he got out of bed and joined along fully with actions, jumping and clapping. That was not normal, since his body temperature hadn’t completely subsided. Soon after that song, he got better. We are grateful to God for releasing such a powerful Word and infusing faith into our hearts.
