About us


Pastor Dale Reinke

Ministries & Apostolic Business Community

Dale Reinke is an Associate Pastor at ZAMIE Church. Dale functions as Pastor of Ministries, Elder, Secretary, North Edmonton Apostolic Ministries (NEAM) Pastor and Discipleship coordinator with his wife, Janet.  Dale is also President of CARITAS Canada which is an international humanitarian group.  

In 2013 Dale and his wife Janet felt led to leave the church his family had built and attended for three generations in search of a church that was completely dependent on the Holy Spirit.  What they did not know at the time was that God was orchestrating this desire and prophecies had already been given to Pastor Anison that a change was about to take place.  Through the influence of former ZAMIE Pastor Herb Reinhardt, Dale and Janet were introduced to ZAMIE and they knew from the first Sunday that this was where God wanted them to be.  The Holy Spirit later revealed to Pastor Anison that God was calling Dale to become ordained and on July 30th, 2017 Pastor Anison ordained Dale before God and the congregation.  This is a testament that God is never done with His servants as Dale turned 65 a month later.

God has given Dale a passion to help fulfill the great commission.  NEAM is reaching out to the under privileged community people in Edmonton.  Dale also travels extensively with Pastor Anison to the unreached countries of the world to share God’s love and to facilitate humanitarian projects in conjunction with The Apostolic Ministries International (TAMI) and CARITAS Global.

Dale is a career businessman and leads a group called Apostolic Business Community (ABC).  This is a group of Christian businesspeople who recognize God is the giver of all gifts and desire to bless God as God blesses businesses.

Five grown children and ten grandchildren are an absolute joy to Dale and Janet. Much time is spent with their family including attending many activities with the grandchildren, gardening with the children, celebrating family milestones and family vacations.  Pastor Dale’s generational background is farming, and the love of the land is instilled in him.