Bible Study

Wednesday | 7:30 pm | Main Sanctuary

In Romans 10:17, it says that faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. As such, we depend, function and rest on the immutable word of God. Not only is it where we find direction and strength, it is one way that we commune with our Heavenly Father. For these reasons, Friday night Bible Studies have been a long held and cherished component of our corporate walk.

As a church, we believe that scripture is relevant and the inspired and authoritative Word of God. It is a lamp to our feet and a light to our paths and the foundation from which truth, wisdom, life, peace, joy, conviction, repentance and salvation spring forth!

We welcome you to join us in person or enjoy one of the many recordings on file; and hope that they are a blessing and encouragement to you.

Bible Studies are usually held on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm in the church main sanctuary. Please visit the calendar page for updates. They are then made available online via private links. If you are interested in video links of the Bible study teachings, please use the contact form below.


Benita Srambical
[email protected]