The 10 50 Prayer move is a ministry spearheaded by ZAMIE’s Apostle and Senior Pastor. This ministry birthed from a desire that even when ZAMIE grows into thousands of members, we will still be functioning as a home for all nations, a family, and no one will be left out. This is a talking prayer. The Christian faith is built on the idea that we will speak, as Jesus said “Be my witnesses! Speak! Go talk to somebody!” But in most churches and even families today people don’t talk! Ironically, we have all this advance communication devices where we can email, call or text somebody. However, we should never lose the importance of conversations that is both generalized and sustained from the heart.

Prayer and faith should be communicable. The individual prayers happening in a room will come together to have a corporate effect. It is as if we all came together to pray – daily. Some of the prayer points include the ministry of the Holy Spirit, Pastors and Leaders, revival in the city and the country, church growth, missions, church building, the younger generation, salvation of souls etc. We also have specific prayer requests from church members for every cycle.
How It Works
- Anyone who is interested signs up to commit to pray at least 30 minutes a day once every 10 days. There are no restrictions on which time of the day you can choose to pray. A schedule is sent to each person at the beginning of each 10-day prayer cycle.
- There will be 5 people praying on any given day. On day 1, the prayer points are sent to the scheduled people by the coordinator. The prayer warriors praying on Day 1 will forward these prayer points to the person praying on Day 2. This cycle continues till Day 10. The person praying on day 10 will then return the chain to the facilitator.
- When sending the prayer points, make sure to forward the whole email. Ensure that you add a declaration of faith or a scripture verse. Throughout the chain, each prayer warrior will be declaring what was sent to them. At the end of each prayer chain, everyone will be declaring something about our God.
It has been over a year since this move started. We have seen numerous of answered prayers from complete recovery from stroke, release of financial provisions and people reconciling with God and their families.
For those interested to signup, please send your name, phone, and email address to [email protected] or text 780-240-6425.
Janice Dahr
[email protected]