Bible Study
As a church, we believe that scripture is relevant and the inspired and authoritative Word of God.
Witness the hearts of our children turn to Jesus, develop friendships and be a blessing in the Kingdom of God.
A group that enjoys good company, games, fellowship, open conversations, serving, and most of all, going deeper into God’s Word.
Young Adults
A community contending for the move of God and a revival to spread among the young people in the City of Edmonton.
Cell Groups
Our cell groups are a great way to gather people from diverse as well as common linguistic backgrounds to build relationships and grow in our faith.
Are you an adult looking for greater fellowship to strengthen your knowledge & walk with the Lord? Between our couples, men’s and women’s ministries, we’ve got you covered!
Apostolic Business Community
A community of businessmen and women who can articulate entrepreneurship ideas, pray and encourage each other.
North Edmonton Apostolic Ministries
Our branch church reaching out to the communities of North Edmonton.
10 50 Prayer Move
A talking prayer chain where individual prayers happening in rooms come together to have a corporate effect.