The God Who Comes Through

~Maya Daniel

“I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread” Psalm 37:25

When God comes through, it means that He shows up right on time. It may not be our timing, but it is His perfect timing. He rescues, delivers, saves, loves, heals, protects, comforts, corrects, and redirects us. Even when we can’t look ahead to see how God will accomplish the things that seem impossible to us, we can look back to see how He faithfully and masterfully came through in the past. 

The word of God is full to the brim with the stories of people who waited for God to come through. Abraham and Sarah waited for the promise to be fulfilled (Genesis 21:1-7), Daniel waited for a breakthrough in prayer (Daniel 9), Esther waited for God to deliver her and her people (Esther 4-5), Simeon waited to see the Messiah come to rescue Isreal (Luke 2:25-35), and the man at the pool of Bethesda waited to be healed (John 5:2-9). In what ways are you waiting for God to come through?

There is purpose in the waiting, and although we may not understand the reason for what seems like a delay, we can trust that God is faithful and He will show up right on time. When we run ahead of God’s timing to take matters into our own hands, we bypass God’s plan for us in the waiting, and we tend to cause more harm than good. What current circumstance is tempting you to put your trust in anything other than God? 

Oftentimes, we run ahead of God because we become impatient, fearful, or we don’t believe God will come through. In times like these, we must turn more frequently to the word of God and bolster ourselves in the truth. Psalm 91 is a Psalm of God’s fierce protection. Throughout the Psalm, we see what God will empower us to do, and why we do not need to fear, all because of His protection. At Psalm 91’s end, there are six “I wills” of God (v.14-16). These statements speak broadly of what God will do simply because we love Him. He’s just that good! Let’s review them now:

Because he loves me says the Lord,

  1. I will rescue him 
  2. I will deliver him because he acknowledges my name
  3. He will call to me and I will answer him
  4. I will be with him in trouble
  5. I will deliver him and honour him
  6. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation

We serve a God who ALWAYS comes through, He will never leave you or forsake you, and His love for you is greater than our minds can conceive. Remember that His timing is perfect! Be still and know that He is God (Psalm 46:10).


Lord, you are the God of the impossible, you have taken situations that seemed impossible to me in my limited understanding, and you made them possible through your divine workings. Looking back over my life, I see your unblemished track record of coming through for me in ways that only you could. I remember those times now as I wait for you again. I turn to you, my God who has always come through, and I declare that I will trust you and wait on you to see how you will do it again this time. I thank you and praise you in advance. Amen.








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