Trust, Rest and Miracles

~Dani Jacob

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

When everything is going well in our lives, it’s easy to have faith and to trust in God. However, when we face challenges and difficulties, it becomes harder to maintain that trust. During such times, we often turn to external sources such as Google or seek advice from others, which can lead to increased worry and anxiety. In these moments, it’s important to remember the teachings of the Bible, which encourage us not to rely on our own understanding or worldly advice. Instead, we are urged to put our trust in God and find refuge in Him. This serves as a reminder to stay grounded in faith during times of hardship or uncertainty.

The Bible contains countless examples of individuals who relied on God when confronted with challenges.

In Exodus 14:13-16,21 we can see that even in the most difficult situation, Moses instructed the Israelites to stand firm and be silent, assuring them that the Lord would fight the battle for them and they would witness a miracle.

It’s clear that when Jesus asked Peter to walk on water, Peter was able to do it until the wind blew. As a fisherman, Peter knew that the wind would disturb the waters and sink the boat, putting them in danger of drowning. When Peter shifted his focus from Jesus to his own understanding, he began to sink. Our understanding of a situation can often lead to stress, anxiety, and sleeplessness. Our knowledge doesn’t solve problems; only God can help us through our challenges.

In the Old Testament, the focus was often on pleasing God through personal efforts rather than fully trusting in Him (Isaiah 30:15). However, for believers in the new covenant, the Holy Spirit serves as our helper. According to John 14:26, He will guide us to remember God’s promises and to place our trust in Him

Hebrew 4:3 says “For we who have believed enter that rest”

By placing our trust in the Lord and finding rest in Him, we can experience the peace of God and witness His miracles in our lives without striving. With help of the Holy Spirit, we can lean on God and embrace a life filled with peace and joy.

Dear God, we confidently put our trust in you at all times. We will not be swayed by the information and noises surrounding us. Please guide us in all our ways. In Jesus’ name, Amen.








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