Habakkuk starts his book complaining that God seems indifferent to all the wrong around him. God told Habakkuk that He is going to raise up Babylonia to subdue Israel because the Jewish people are reckless before God. Christians often like to treat God as their butler but God knows what to do and how to do it.
When God’s plan doesn’t fit your plan, how do you respond?
- Come to God with expectation that since you don’t have proper understanding, God has something to tell you.
- Come with patience. Wait and watch. He will speak.
- Come with the anticipation of being corrected. The only way to live when things don’t make sense is to say that you still trust God. The opposite of trust is pride. When you are confused and take matters into your own hands it is pride. It is acting independent of God.
Habakkuk starts his book with exasperation and discouragement but he ends with praise and exclamation of God’s goodness. Let more people like Habakkuk rise up in this place! Believe in our God and wait for Him. He is a good God. Wait patiently. If we are wrong, correct us. God is always good, wise and smart. Praise God!